About Us

Graduate Student Committee (GSC) is a group of 8 students (2 members per year except 1st year) who act as liaisons between the students and the department. Our broad aim is to provide a safe, positive, and fulfilling environment for students. Specifically, GSC has been involved with the following activities:

  • Re-vamping visit weekend for more fun and student-centered experience
  • Starting international potlucks (Diwali, Chinese New Year, Greek Easter, etc.)
  • Organizing workshops and seminars (Micro-aggression workshop, sexual harassment seminar, etc.)
  • Having coffee and bagel hours each semester
  • Being confidential support for students to discuss any issues they are having (mental health, issues w/ advisor, etc.)
  • Bringing issues faced by students (e.g. TA assignments) to the DGSs and the head of the department and working with them to create solutions
  • Sponsoring other events such as game nights, movie nights, etc.